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Homeowners Associations

As a homeowner’s association, providing quality security to your community and maintaining a balanced budget are two primary concerns. Envera’s solutions are designed for the unique needs of associations and tailored to the specific needs and budget of each community we partner with. At Envera, we strive to provide your community with an efficient security service and affordable systems.

Replace an outdated telephone entry or save money often associated with a manned entry by using Envera’s Virtual Gate Guard services at a gated entrance. The patented Kiosk System is complete with high-resolution digital cameras, audio recorders, and video recorders connected to our licensed virtual guards located at our industry-leading Central Monitoring Operations Center.

While virtual guards greet and screen visitors, Envera’s Passive Video Surveillance records every vehicle and license plate entering the community at resident-only gates or non-gated entrances. In case of an incident, such as a car damaging a gate or a suspicious vehicle entering the community, Envera can retrieve the footage and use the license plate number to assist in identifying the owner of the vehicle.

For faster identification of vehicles that cause gate damage, Envera can install or include a gate strike sensor on barrier gates. The gate strike sensor will immediately notify our team when a barrier gate is hit or out of place.

Envera’s Access Control security makes it easy for communities to manage how, when, and who can enter a community and its amenities. Our system utilizes credentials such as key cards, fobs, vehicle credentials, or biometric identifiers. You determine what level of access your users have based on location, time of day, authorization, or other criteria.

In addition, Envera offers security camera systems for amenity monitoring. Active Video Surveillance is key to keeping your pool, clubhouse, and recreational areas free of vandals and after-hours trespassers. Armed with high-resolution digital cameras and two-way audio, our security guards can voice-down to trespassers demanding they leave. If trespassers refuse, an Envera virtual guard can contact local authorities.