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Condo Associations

High-quality condo security is now cost-effective for condominium associations of all sizes. With Envera Systems security solutions tailored to your needs and budget, your condo will be better protected at a lower cost compared to traditional security guards. Plus, your condo association will have a reliable security partner.

Replace or supplement a traditional doorman or gate security guard with Envera’s Virtual Gate Guard. The system uses high-resolution digital cameras and audio for effective visitor verification.

State-licensed security guards, located at our Central Monitoring Operations Center, can monitor the premises while using two-way audio to greet guests and cross-reference a guest’s information with the authorized visitor list. If a guest is not on the list, the virtual guard will contact the resident or administrator to grant or deny entry as necessary.

While the virtual guard greets and screens visitors, every vehicle and the license plate that enters the premises can be recorded with Envera’s Passive Video Surveillance systems. The video footage is then stored securely and can be retreived to aid investigations and recover damages.

Envera’s Access Control security is the right accompaniment to video surveillance systems. Access Control devices such as key cards, fobs, vehicle credentials, and biometric identifiers are used to manage who can enter an area and when. The community determines the level of access for each individual, based on time of day and location.

If your condo has a pool, clubhouse, or other recreational areas, Envera’s Active Video Surveillance is the key to increasing condo security by warding off vandals and trespassers. With artificial intelligence, digital cameras, and voice-down capabilities, our virtual guards can see and speak with trespassers demanding they leave. If trespassers refuse, our guards can contact the local authorities.