Guardian at the gates… and pool, and rec center

Two teenagers jump the fence late one night at a condominium association’s pool. Suddenly, a voice, as if from on high, bellows, “This is Envera Systems monitoring the pool area. The area is closed. You need to leave immediately.” Scaring trespassing teenagers is not the main service offered by Envera Systems, a Sarasota County-based “virtual […]
The Best Kept Security Secret for Communities; Video Surveillance Solutions Company Experiencing Strong Growth and Demand

BOCA RATON & SARASOTA, Fla.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–For Envera Systems business is booming in a bad economy. With offices in Boca Raton and Sarasota, FL the company has grown considerably since expanding to the East coast of Florida in 2010. This year alone, the cutting edge security technology company is doubling its sales force. What started out […]
Security Technology—Is It Worth It?

by Crystal Clark With increasing crime and vandalism as well as an increase in foreclosures, communities and their property managers are faced with the decision of how to keep communities safe while maintaining a budget that residents can afford. Today’s technology has opened the doors for cost savings by using technology to enhance community security. […]
Securing Community Pools: Spring Lake Village :: July 2012
THE PROBLEMBoard members and property managers are constantly concerned about the security of their community pools, especially during the spring and summer. This proves to be a time when community associations are putting more and more money into the cleaning, maintenance, and repair of their community pools due to usage. In the spring and summer […]
5 Precautions Envera has Taken to Prepare for Hurricane Season
Expect the Unexpected. Envera is Proactive. Envera recognizes the importance of being prepared for hurricane season ahead of time. While a hurricane does provide some advance warning, this warning does not provide enough time to adequately prepare for continued business continuity. Be Prepared. Envera has a Plan. We have contracted with a 3rd party business continuity services provider. Protecting the site […]
Customer Appreciation – Pembroke Pines, FL

“Customer Service with Envera, has always been great.” – Customer Service – Davie, FL

Remain in control of who gets into your community and when – Virtual Gate Guard – Coconut Creek, FL

“We’ve been able to recoup 99.9% of damage expenses… Customer Service is great with residents” – Virtual Gate Guard – Coconut Creek, FL

“The System works flawlessly… and we’ve eliminated vandalism.” – Access and Active Video Surveillance