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Active Video Surveillance

Deter Trespassing and Vandalism at Amenities
Protect Community Assets
Real-Time Intervention by Virtual Guards
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Video Surveillance that Alerts Envera's Virtual Guards to Unauthorized Activity at Community Amenities when Closed
Artificial Intelligence Alerts Envera to Overnight Activity
Virtual Guards Voice Down to Trespassers
Video, Information, and Resolution Provided to Community
Verified Alarm for Local Law Enforcement if needed
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Active Video Surveillance is the preventative solution that communities need for amenities. Using digital cameras, audio and video recorders, and secure internet connections, our trained virtual guards monitor community amenities during closed or restricted hours.

When trespassers enter the closed area, even when jumping a fence, an Envera virtual guard is alerted at our Central Monitoring Operations Center. With one-way video and two-way audio, the virtual guard can see the trespassers and voice-down, demanding they leave and recording the incident. If trespassers refuse, our virtual security guards will directly contact local authorities.

Stop vandalism before it occurs. In comparison to standard camera systems, this type of video surveillance is proactive rather than reactive. It is designed with high-resolution, digital cameras that are equipped with artificial intelligence or video analytics. This technology automatically differentiates between nature and a person trespassing into a closed area.

Envera notifies community contacts of all after-hours trespassing or incidents and explains how a situation was resolved. Our teams will retrieve the video footage of any incidents for a community’s records, insurance purposes, or to submit to law enforcement.

Active Video is commonly used for preventative monitoring at outside or indoor amenities, as a more effective alternative to a burglar alarm. It is frequently used at pools, clubhouses, fitness centers, and more.

During the day when community amenities are open, Active Video will record normally without voice-downs. This system is often an additional layer of protection to Access Control security, which regulates the authorized users of community assets.

Active Video Surveillance is also available for businesses needing outdoor asset protection. This preventative solutions can be installed at vehicle lots, storage facilities, and more to monitor an area during closed hours.