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Condos in Clearwater | Our Client’s Story

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Community Snapshot

Clearwater, FL • 190 units (95 per building) • Two buildings

The two condominium buildings used a security guard 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The residents wanted to reduce the gate security costs while improving the overall community security, but they differed on approaches. A joint Gate Security Task Force, with members from both buildings, conducted surveys of other security companies used by local condominium buildings. The Task Force determined that an automated security system would save approximately $500,000 over a five-year period.

Solutions Explored:

• Keep the manned guard 24/7 – The community was not having any problems with the guard but thought it was expensive.

• Have the guard work fewer hours – This would eliminate some of the expenses, but the community would be left with gaps in their security.

• Telephone Entry Box – This could be used with or without a guard but it would open the community up to codes being shared and reduce the security already in place.

Envera Systems Virtual Guard Technology – The Virtual Gate Guard technology could work on its own, or split shifts with the onsite guard, capturing and storing more information than a guard alone. Either way, it would leave the entrance secure during all hours of the day, seven days a week, and save the community thousands of dollars.

Community Decision:

After exploring the options available to them, the condominium association decided to have an onsite guard eight hours a day, five days a week. During the other times, Envera’s Virtual Gate Guard is used at the community’s entrance. The Envera Systems technology was selected based on cost, capability, and extensibility.

Envera installed these gate security solutions at the community entrance:

Virtual Gate Guard System (includes two license plate cameras & five surveillance cameras)

• Driver’s License Scanning Upgrade

Access Control for the Resident Lane

MyEnvera Resident Portal for Registering Guests

Access Control for Resident Vehicles

• LED Barrier Arms

When the onsite guard is working, he or she is expected to use Envera’s Guard Module Software. This integrates with the Virtual Gate Guard System and archives all of the community’s visitor transactions in a single system, storing the data.

Driver’s License Scanning was added to the kiosk to check the identity of each guest that tries to enter the community. The guests put their license in the slot and, if he or she is on a resident’s guest list, the barrier arms will lift open. If the guest is not on a visitor list, an Envera virtual guard will greet them when the onsite guard is not present. The virtual guard can then call a resident to ask if the visitor is welcome, and allow or deny entry as necessary. The Virtual Gate Guard system keeps record of every visitor transaction. This gives the community the resources to look up specific transactions should a problem ever arise.

Access Control was added to enhance the Virtual Gate Guard system and allow expedited entry for residents in the community. Instead of going through the visitor lane, residents have a transponder on their windshield that automatically opens the entry gate when they approach in the resident lane.

The LED barrier arms were installed to better illuminate the gates at night. The arms are also equipped with a gate strike sensor that will alert Envera if they are struck by a vehicle. The video surveillance that accompanies the Virtual Gate Guard system will capture the perpetrator, including license plate recognition, if the arms are hit. Envera can then lookup the owner information of the license plate which will help the community recoup any damage costs.

The Results:

Since installing Envera Systems’ Virtual Gate Guard system in 2016, the community has received favorable feedback from residents in both buildings about the gate security. Resident Robert S. says, “Envera Systems has made it so we know who is on the property at any one time.” That helps the whole community feel more secure.

“For security purposes, Envera Systems has made it so we know who is on the property at any one time… and the ease of operations has made it an overall success.” – Robert S., Resident

Initially some residents were concerned about transitioning to a new system, but the process has been positive. Robert says the whole community is pleased with Envera for fulfilling specific needs, accommodating challenges, “and the ease of operations has made having Envera an overall success.”

The condominiums also expect to see enormous community savings in the future now that Envera is installed. Robert says the operation has been so smooth, some residents are suggesting that they eliminate the live guard completely to make a full transition to Envera’s Virtual Gate Guard System.

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