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Active Video Surveillance: The Best Way to Protect Your Pool from Trespassing Spring Breakers.

pool devastation

Spring is in the air, bringing beautiful weather and longer days to enjoy it. Unfortunately, spring also brings rowdy springs breakers with nothing to do and nowhere to do it. If they come to your community pool looking for a place to party, what security do you have to stop them? If you want to keep security costs low while thwarting trespassers and vandals, active video surveillance may be for you.

Preventing vandalism and property damage are obvious reasons to protect your community, but there may be even more at stake. If someone breaks into your pool area and gets injured or drowns, your community may be held legally and financially responsible.

It’s your community’s obligation to not only protect your residents and the common areas, but to prevent intruders from becoming victims. Since pool area trespassing increases in spring, now’s the time to protect your community with active video surveillance.

How Does Active Video Surveillance Stop Spring Breakers?

Envera’s active video surveillance uses industry-leading technology to guard your community pool area during closed hours. While high-resolution digital cameras watch over the premises, military grade video analytics continuously scan for movement and perimeter breaches. In an effort to eliminate false alarms, the advanced analytics differentiates between moving objects such as a windblown palm frond, an animal, or a human trespasser.

If an intruder enters the pool area, the video feed is transmitted through a secure Internet connection to our trained and licensed guards at the Envera Central Station. The guard voices down to the trespasser, demanding they leave. If they refuse, the guard contacts the local authorities while monitoring the trespasser until they’re removed from the community.

The video and audio recording is securely archived and able to be retrieved, replayed, and analyzed as necessary. Envera Systems’ always cooperates with law enforcement, ensuring they have as much footage as possible to catch offenders.

Envera currently secures hundreds of communities and their pool areas. By protecting your community with active video surveillance, you can keep out trespassers, prevent property damage, improve your residents’ safety, and keep security costs low.

If you’re ready to improve your pool security with active video surveillance, contact us today for your free security consultation.