
Welcome Back Snowbirds – FLCAJ October 2019

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Ask About Your New Systems


Welcome back to the Sunshine State! During your time away, many things may have changed at your community. As you settle in, you’ll want to check with your association and/or property manager about any new security systems or procedures.

First, you should check to see if the visitor management system has been updated at the entrance. If so, your property manager can tell you about the new system and help you get in touch with your new security provider if needed.

Additionally, if a new access control system has been installed at your entrance, your previous credentials may no longer work. Ask about the process for receiving new credentials to ensure that you can easily enter the community in the future. If the entry access system has changed, don’t forget to ask about the amenities as well to ensure that you have the necessary card or fob to enter.

You can read the complete issue and original article here: FLCAJ – October 2019