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Apartments in Tampa | Our Client’s Story about Trespassers

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Community Snapshot

Tampa, FL • 340 units • Limited Security

When new management arrived at this apartment complex in 2014, they faced extensive security challenges and concerns. First, there were no longer physical barriers to keep trespassers from entering the community. Gina D., the current property manager, remembers seeing holes in the ground where gates had been torn out. Not only were residents dealing with the nuisance of trespassers at all hours, but crime occasionally troubled the community. In several instances, local authorities had to be called in for assistance. If these problems were left unsolved, the community could have lost residents, and crime could have become more extensive throughout the community.

Solutions Explored:

• Live manned gate or roving guards – At one time, this complex did use an onsite guard to monitor the complex. However, many of the guards were ineffective and unreliable. Plus, onsite guards are a large expense for the apartment complex.

• Telephone Entry Box – The complex had tried this before, but they were opened up to codes being shared, and it wasn’t effective.

Envera Systems Virtual Guard Technology – A new type of technology the apartment complex had not tested. This complex could employ a Virtual Gate Guard system as well as Active Video Surveillance at amenities. This would be at a lower cost than guards, and the Virtual Guards would not be intimidated.

Community Decision:

Ultimately, the community went with these suggested solutions from Envera Systems:

• Envera Systems’ Virtual Gate Guard at the main entrance

• Access Control for resident vehicles

• Access Control for the fitness center

• Active Video Surveillance for the pool and clubhouse area

The Envera Systems Virtual Gate Guard was put in place to monitor guests entering the community. This is expected to deter trespassers, and only allow the entry of approved visitors. With the video surveillance accompanying the Virtual Gate Guard, the community has the capability of accessing records should problems with a guest or near the entrance ever occur. This includes an overall of vehicles entering the community as well as license plates.

The Access Control systems give access only to residents in certain areas of the community. First, at the main entrance, residents are able to enter through the resident lane with a windshield credential that cannot be shared. Then at the fitness center, a credential allows the residents to open the door only at times specified by management.

The Active Video Surveillance system proactively protects the pool and clubhouse area after it is closed. That means, if anyone enters the area after hours, the Envera’s virtual guards will be alerted in real time. A licensed guard at Envera’s central station has the capabilities to see who is there, and voice down to ask them to leave. The guard can contact authorities if trespassers ignore the guard’s requests. During the day, the system passively records activity, and if an incident occurs, the video can be pulled for the manager by Envera.

The Results:

Since installing the various system with Envera in late 2014, the community has seen a drastic change in the apartment complex. Gina D. says, “Envera has truly transformed our community from a neighborhood with petty crime and unauthorized guests, to ‘state-of-the-art living.’”

“Envera has truly transformed our community! Residents feel as though they are residing in an elite environment…” – Gina D., Property Manager

Incidents with trespassers have subsided, especially at the pool and clubhouse where Active Video Surveillance is in place. That’s after Envera’s guards voiced down to trespassers on several occasions, asked them to leave, and contacted the local authorities when needed.

Overall, Gina D. says Envera has helped the demographic transition. She says, “residents feel as though they are residing in an elite environment. Although safety and security cannot be 100% guaranteed, it emulates that type of atmosphere at our property now.” She adds that the families and individual residents now living in the community feel much safer, happier, and a part of a “luxury living” environment.

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